Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Through the fire, wind, earth, and water

I’ve made posts about my revolutionary attempt to a career shift. I told myself, I’d probably survive it if I’d only take each day at a time…Indeed, I’m coping well and enjoying the new experience. When I’m studying, preparing for an exam (we’re always having one), I always find myself stopping and thinking, “am I really into this?” Until now, I can’t believe the fact that I’m almost through a semester…

It’s quite funny going to ‘school’ where you have classmates that are almost twice your age, some are married and not, with different professions and interests…in fact, too many differences but having one ultimate goal: to be a registered nurse.

We’re 60 in our class. I’m truly grateful that I have colleagues who are in the same class with me. I’ve observed that although we’re practically on a ‘different level’, academic dynamics are still eminent. There are still the perennial cheaters, professor-leeches, geeks (to which group I think I belong to!), and basically good-natured people (I’m not sure if they’re just being pretentious but still there must be some).

Each one has a family member, relatives, and spouses, close friends who are either nurses or residents abroad. Each one has his/her own set of plans after graduating from a nursing degree. They talk of beautiful things to do when they’re finally there. Until then, we have to endure what it takes to be a nurse…and I know it’s not that easy. Maybe some will quit, maybe some will stick until the end. Who knows?

I’m just making this post because I feel that I need to reassure myself that this is what I want and is probably one of the best means to an end…I hope I’ll have this fervor and determinism all throughout…and I know you all shall be with me in this! Amen…

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