Wednesday, October 26, 2005

The pull of two strings

Looking back, my cousin (who’s currently a Head Nurse in a certain hospital in Houston) was telling us to study nursing. He was also a nursing student then. When I told him that I was planning to enroll into a Social Science course in U.P., his comment was, “ Huh? Walay kwarta dira. Sa nursing daghan…” (There’s not much money in Social Science, only in Nursing.)

Indeed, now almost all Filipino nurses can’t wait to work abroad, lured with the promise of better lives for themselves and families on foreign lands. Those who are not, opted to take courses like Caregiving and Practical Nursing. However, there’s a catch. No jobs were assured of them after enrolling to such courses. It is their desperate move to flee this country…for various reasons.

When many are quick in leaving this country, there are still some of those who are merely forced by circumstances…those who are reluctant in releasing themselves from the ‘strings of the native land’…

Until recently, the picture I’ve painted for my future didn’t include working abroad. My plan then was finish school, get a decent job, travel abroad, and probably get married before I reach 30, and so on… nevertheless, as people grow old and mature, they change...and so other things like plans, goals, dreams, etc.

So, now I've got new plans. I'm enrolling into a special program for Nursing. If everything goes well, I should graduate in the next two years. Then I will take the state board, IELTS, CGFNS, NCLEX, etc...hay, the pains you have to go through to be a nurse.

Although our relatives are scattered in different states in America, I might not go there. I would like to go to Europe, UK maybe. Then when I've had enough of Europe (this I doubt), I might eventually go to America.

Hmmm it's so nice to have goals, they keep you motivated...but it's a lot nicer when you've actually made them happen in God's sweet time. :-)

However, I also ask these questions to myself: will I be able to leave all that I love and care back here? will I have the courage to face a future where no familiar place or face to comfort me? is it all really worth it? is this what I really want? But I try not to listen too closely to these voices...I will just cross the bridge when I get there...

To my cousins, thank you for inspiring and creating a new fire within my friend Ting-ting Wong, I hope to see you in America. We'll have a swell time wherever and whenever our roads meet.

1 comment:

  1. hay lagi, mao jud na ang ingon sa akong mga ig-agaw ba...crossing my fingers! thanks for the encouragement...
