Monday, October 31, 2005


Life is beautiful. This is what I always say to myself and even to my friends when everything seems to be going wrong. I don't know if it helped them somehow but saying those words really works magic to me...almost all the time.

I watch tv and all I hear and see are reflections of life's seems that this world is becoming more of a hell hole, sucking us all up down to the devil's dark lair. No wonder people now no longer believes in God or heaven nor afraid of doing bad things without any trace of remorse...well, for some people, living in their present conditions is already a hellish one, could the real hell be any worst than this as what religion always uses to instill fear in them?

No wonder more and more people are committing suicides nowadays. They don't want to suffer any longer and live until they've got nothing left to live for. Cowardice is always an easy way out. But I am grateful that my worries are not too big for me to say, "I quit." I am lucky that despite all the things that I whine about doesn't stop me from living a good life, unlike those of others who worry for their food to get by and clothes and shelter to warm them. I pray for them...may they find hope to last them until the end of their journey.

I feel so alive. I am strong and healthy. I can do anything that I want to do because I am still young. But I am also afraid when the day comes that I am no longer young because it would also mean that people who means a lot to me would also loose their youthful strength and vitality to old age. I am lucky that both of my parents are still in good health and functioning as if time hasn't added years to their age. But I so dread the day that they too shall cease living. I can't bear it. The mere thought gives me nightmares and has wetted my pillows everytime I dream of losing them. This is what makes me so afraid of death. I don't know when it's going to come but I pray that not too soon...not too soon .

Everytime I go on any vacation that gives me opportunity of having a piece of solitude, I find myself staring at the vastness of God's creation. I sometimes talk to God and asks him questions like, "What is my purpose in this life?". "Where do I fit in all these things that you've placed me in?", "Am I fulfilling the things which you've designed me to do?" Though He doesn't disclose himself to me to answer my questions, He whispers them to me in many ways.

Since we are remembering our departed loved ones during this holiday, may we also be reminded of every lesson that they've imparted to us when they're still alive. It is not only enough that we visit and remember them but we should be grateful of the fact that we are still alive . This is also a perfect time to reflect on things that we could still do and mistakes to redress...while we are still alive and able. Have a peaceful weekend, everyone!


  1. Life is beautiful indeed! But is not ours to keep forever so we have to enjoy it as much as we can.
    Have a great week...

  2. korek ka dyan...and sooner we learn and accept that fact, the greater chances we have of living a full life! God bless!

  3. static brain, thanks for the kind beautiful words...people like you are the ones making this world a still beautiful place to live. God bless you too!
