Thursday, September 01, 2005

Yummy to the max...

Guys, guys…do u remember the post that I published about this man who won the “Best Good looking guy in the world” title? Well, I did say I’ll be tracking him down..and so I did! Here’s his profile that I’ve come across in the net

Name: Reynaldo Cisoto Gianecchini Júnior
Nickname: Rey or Giane
Birthday: November 12, 1972
Place of birth: Birigüi (São Paulo)
Place of residence: He and Mar�lia Gabriela have two apartmets, one in São Paulo and another in Rio de Janeiro.
Height: 1.86 meters
Weight: usually listed as 80 kilos
Size: 42 Shirt: P,M Foot: 40

He is descended from Italians on his father's side.
Mother: Heloísa Helena, a retired teacher
Father: Reynaldo (Sr.), a chemistry professor
Sisters: Cláudia and Roberta

Isn't he the yummiest thing? I sure don't want him to go to Hollywood because it would mean he'll be for everyone's consumption, for sure! Guys, you should see his semi-nude pictures at the link would drive you mad! :-)

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