Thursday, September 01, 2005

Ang hypothesis ng isang Sikolohista...(feeling lang ha!)

I was organizing my files in my pc and stumbled upon a folder named: Others.

So I opened it and whoa, it contained my archive of poems that I wrote during one of those very boring office hours...I find it funny because most of my poems' themes brought back poignant memories...but nof of mine. Sometimes when I ran out of things to write about, I stop, look at my surroundings, and observe. My favorite past time is figuring what's going on into other people's minds, their emotions, experiences...

Then as I was looking around at one instance, my attention was caught by a colleague who happened to be very dear to me. She was really scampering to reach her quota or so. It was like she's on a trance, her spirit detached from her body, fully functioning and yet oblivious to her own a human machine to be exact. Then her compusure snapped in a split of a sec. What I saw was sadness...a deep kind of sadness. Speculations were running wild in my head, why? And I came up with this theory...

When I say I’ll always be here
It means I must go away;
When I say I’ll see you around
It means nothing more;
I may utter words
That you won’t understand
Neither would I explain
I must not tamper your plight,
And when I say I love you,
It means I’m ready to let you go;
Think no more of me,
Just let me be…

By writing this, I assumed she was broken-hearted and which later on she sherself confirmed to me in confidence. See? I'm quite perceptive...a trademark of a psychologist! Yeah, right..a pathetic one!haha Oh by the way, I let her read this poem and she said, "Ohmigosh, this is exactly what I'm feeling right now!"

Ok, here's another one...

If I promise not to cling on,
Would you let me hold you?
Just let me touch you…
I wouldn’t ask you to hold on;
Now that you’re within my grasp,
I couldn’t rouse myself
From this deep sleep, just wanting to dream endlessly,
Because now finally you’re here with me;
And when I look into your eyes,
I knew there’s only thing for me to do
Then I leaned towards you -
And we kissed…
For so long I have waited for this moment,
Now, I’m in forever…

This one I wrote for someone who is finding himself falling for a already committed person...a fact that is irreversible for now but who knows? Love moves in mysterious ways, so they say :-)

Isn't love a nice feeling to have and hold? My friends, let us not shun love away from our daily lives...because I believe it is our only salvation when we no longer find meaning in everything that we do and know in this life! :-) Oh, psycho este psychologist na ba ang dating? hehehe

That's it for now...I still have files to manage...and maybe there are more treasures lying around somewhere just waiting to be unearthed.