Monday, September 05, 2005

The Return of the Stalker...

When I was in my junior year in high school, I was constantly pissed by a shadow lurking behind me…oh sometimes he’s right beside me! Anyway, since I was kinda involved in various organizations, I was relatively visible in almost every events happening in our campus. It was but normal that students from other year levels would approach and recognize me. I’m implying here that geeky though I was (at least to some people), I was a ‘campus figure’ also!hehe Oh, I was also our batch's Prom Queen in ’95 and was one of the “Best Dressed” persona in our Prom in ’96…hala, I am invoking my right to ‘lift my own chair’ here people!haha This is what you call, SELF-ADVERTISING! (According to the movie, Must Love Dogs)

By the ways, that mysterious ‘shadow’ happened to be a freshman. He’s not the type that you'd be romantically attracted to but not unappealing at the same time…I mean, he’s just a boy! Then one night, I got a call from him. It was so full of bull****…I was trying to be considerate in letting him down but he never gets it. He called every night and when at school, he followed me everywhere…during break time, at least. It didn’t felt good, that’s for sure. Until one instance, all hell broke lose! I was already talking to him in a raised voice and ending the conversation with a slam! Hmmp, that should do it…and much to my happiness, he did actually stopped calling at nights and in deliberately showing himself to me at school. Whewww!

Then, out of nowhere, last Saturday night, I got a call. Naturally, I was surprised because for the last two years, I seldom get landline phone calls because I communicate to most of my friends and also my boyfriend through the internet and mobile phones…(gone were my ‘tele-babad’ days!) And when I took hold of the handset, suddenly I felt that same old weird feeling…a foreshadowing of something dreadful from the past!

I said, “Hello?”
He didn’t speak for how many seconds, then said, “Hi, Rainel”

I was like, Oh My God, this can’t be true! How could he still have remembered our number when all these time it hasn’t been listed in the directory!?!

I said, “Who is this?”
He said, “It’s me, _______. How are you?”

Then, something devilish came upon me and I replied, “I’m ok. I’m busy…Please don’t call again”

Then he said goodbye. That was it. So quick that I thought, maybe I had just imagined it. Yeah, I know I was being bitchy but what can I do? At least he’ll not be calling again…sometimes, it pays to be a bitch!hahaha and that I find not so hard to do! :-)


  1. You're such a biatch. :-) hahahaha....
    You? Prom Queen? Talaga lang a. :-)

  2. ay ayaw maniwala?! naging prom queen talaga ako!tanong mo sa lahat ng mga ka batch ko, pati narin dun sa mga judges! :-P hahaha
