Friday, September 09, 2005

When Jak-jak was born

I am an Ashti once again to my cousin Wo’s baby boy ..If you’re not so fond of watching Encantadia of GMA 7, ashti means “aunt”. Last Tuesday, Sept. 6, 2005, another bundle of joy was borne to blessed parents, Ate Rocelie and Aniya Wo. They knew already months before that it was going to be a boy. As normal expecting parents, on their hands lay the biggest dilemma: what name to give to their child. Then, when the baby was born, they named him WILLIAM ONG III. Hahaha I guess they did not had enough time to think it over. So much for the hours spent researching on the internet and consultations with friends and relatives. Whew!

Achie Juls with Jak-jak

William Ong III

Anyways, I am looking forward to the day that I’d be laying my eyes on William III (flesh and all) and holding him close. By the way, his pet name is Jak-jak (from the Incredibles)!hahaha

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