Thursday, September 08, 2005

The night that we were betrayed

The other night, as my boyfriend and I were out having dinner, it can’t be avoided that sentiments over the outcome of the Congress’ session were brought out. As for me, I was deeply saddened by it. When the decision was being read and when it had become apparent that the minority had lost the battle, I felt my heart constrict. Once again, Filipinos were stabbed straight to the heart with a dagger that penetrates deeply and lethally: the dagger of betrayal.

Until when can we remain indifferent and passive of such acts? Have we not endured and suffered enough from those self-righteous and hypocrite officials? Do we mean to endure this until the end, when we can all no longer breathe and express our displeasure at the very least?

My boyfriend and I don’t share the same opinion on the matter. However, we agree on one thing: We love our country and want what’s best for it. I hope our government officials have this same thing on their heads and for once set aside their own interests, stop putting labels on each other, and tarnishing each other’s character…May they instead direct all their efforts into finding the right solution, no matter how the process or subsequent changes would affect them in the future…because in the end, their future children’s children would not be immune to this country’s disintegration. We are all into this, so we'd better pull ourselves together and make good things happen in this country that we claim to love with ardor.


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  3. na shock nga ako eh at may ngcomment aside from u!hahhaha
