Monday, September 05, 2005

Deviating from the routine

My life it seemed is currently in an ‘ordered chaos’ mode. It’s chaotic in a way that there are too many distractions interfering with my long-established routine. Well, it actually started when I got into this blogging hobby, which was in late July.

Before I plunged into the blogosphere, my routines were: I go to work practically for eight hours then go straight home…change into my home clothes and start sewing sequins and beads to slippers or watch a dvd, sometimes I sing with the Magic Sing…I do them on alternate basis. It’s my improvised theraphy to relieve stress. I don’t shop because at the end I get more stressed out of the escalating prices of most items. I pig out but not that often, for practical reasons!hehe I am so a penny-pincher, that they call me!hahaha

Well, lately I don’t get to do those stuffs anymore. So, I didn’t blog during the weekend. Instead, I revived my old therapies: which was handcrafting and DVD marathons. I watched “A Love Song for Bobby Long”, “Hostage” and “Collateral” (my father joined me with the last two).

This is one that I've neglected...but I'm working on this again

I finished this one a few months ago already

My father liked watching this film...I think it 's nice also :-)

However, I liked the deviation. It just proves that there are still lot things that one can get into when you’re starting to feel that there’s nothing more out there. So, if you feel you’re already fed up with your routinely life and want to spice it up, Explore! Detach yourselves from your ordinary activities and scout for new hobbies that you might be interested with. And if by chance you’d visit my blog and found nothing new there, it means I’m tending to my other hobbies as of that moment. Hehehe Let’s enjoy and live life to the fullest my friends!


  1. Sensible advice...though at times easier said than done. :-)

  2. hey, thanks for helping me with the border thing...:-)
