Friday, July 21, 2006

Are you in or out?

I visited Darlene’s blog and I felt compelled to read her post about people becoming desperate to become nurses. On many points, she was right… issues on brain-drain, on quality of nurses produced nowadays, and PRC policies. On the other hand, here is my view on the matter…just read along, I’m not up against anyone, I just want to share my thoughts.

Speaking for myself, I am not denying the fact that the reason why I’m taking up nursing right now is for monetary gains. In fact, what really motivated me to enroll into it was my zealous desire of traveling the world, among with other minor ones, of course but it’s a long story. I thought back then that realizing such dream might take a lifetime if I was just another government employee earning fixed wage, with almost half of it goes to BIR, insurances, etc. For now, it would suffice since I’m still single. However, when you finally dream of having a family as well, the vicious and inevitable cycle commences…the rat-race cycle. It is when you work, work, work and work till death and still there is so much to provide for that even you yourself couldn’t afford to die.

I think the main problem lies on the government, of its inability and failure to provide decent jobs for the majority of the working population. Parents do everything just so their children could earn a diploma in college thinking that it’s a passport in getting a job only to be disillusioned by the constant surge and bulk of fresh graduates end up as professional bums. It’s a sad reality. Every admits this.

Just like the law of economics, if there’s a need, supply rises. United States of America has made its need explicitly known that even the last person in the farthest corner in the country knew about it. Thus, a commotion started. In a way, it was like the beacons of hope were sparked. People felt invigorated with the buzz. Somehow, it was like preparing for a mass migration… a desperate move for survival.

To shorten this talk, I would just want to quote my teacher who is a Registered PT and Nurse, “Why are people creating too much noise about nursing nowadays? And why are there people who are hoarding biases against 2nd-course nursing students when all the teachings of the regular four-year nursing students are the still the same? Everyone can be a nurse. We all are nurses in a way that when somebody in our family gets sick, we nurse them before others do. What differentiates them from the Registered Nurses is just a piece of document…”

On this note, for whatever reasons may it be, everything boils down to one’s values…one of which is being deeply inculcated in Filipinos, that being the love for our family. We do everything for them. Sometimes when people dream of things, their personal happiness always take the back seat to that of their loved ones. Morevoer, if you’re wondering why people are suddenly desperate in becoming nurses, just look at their economic status…just look at what this country has made them into…just look at the face of poverty slowly getting imprinted on their images…sad to say, but now, one can only afford to breathe and survive…impervious to the norms of society.

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