Wednesday, July 19, 2006

An amazing trip

Last night I dreamt of England and Portugal. I was with friends and we flew to England. It all seemed so real that I kept on saying to myself, “This must not be a dream! It’s so real…everything is so real!” After arriving from the airport, we were fetched by a friend who’s a local there and we went right out on his pick-up.

It must have been autumn there because I was feeling a little cold…and I was wearing a windbreaker. The trees’ leaves were all orangy-reddish colored. It was beautiful. Then we went to a park where there’s a fountain. Naturally, we posed for a picture but to the horror of me I discovered that I didn’t get to bring batteries! Imagine the frustration…

Our next stop was a beach…it was so nice. I told my other friends to take off our shoes and dip of foot in the water. Just to feel how freezing cold it could be…the feeling was great. My dream was fast-tracked to us riding on a ferry that’s passing under the bridge that folds/unfolds…amazing right? When I looked ahead, I heard myself cried out “We’re going to Portugal!” Hahaha What a weird dream…

I have never been to England and when I saw what I saw and where we went, I instantly recognized was as if I’ve already seen it on photo or in a movie or somewhere. When I woke up, I can’t recall seeing such places. Hmmm I will browse them on the internet…one of these and post them here so you could see them, too.

Well, I am looking forward to having another dream such as I had last night. Next time, I want to go to Venice, Italy. :-)

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