Thursday, June 22, 2006

There 'aint no rainbow without rain

I looked at the rain gushing into the window panes,
they seemed so happy just glidin' and sliding anywhere,
every drop washes over every dirt and soil,
like replacing everything with serenity and peacefulness...

As the rain pours hard and loud,
I hear my heart pounding in sync with its rhythm...
How I wish it can reach my heart and drench it cold
'til it breathes no more.

If I die, I'd like to be bathe with rain water,
and taste the tears of heaven...
and when the rainbow comes,
let me be wrapped by its intense colors...

So that when God sees me,
He'll smile that smile of relief
knowing I tried living a colorful life until the end.


  1. Hmmm...someone is emotional. I wonder why?

  2. jairam: hi, i don't believe we've 'met' already but I checked out your blog and it's cool..i was looking for a message box to post a greeting, since wala, i'll post it here anyways. :-) i'm a cancer, so it's inevitable to be emotional!hehe

  3. "I dance in the rain
    so no one can see
    the tears on my face"

    Haiku made by xtnag.
