Friday, April 07, 2006

Gearing up for the holy week

Ironic though it may seem that during such sanctimonious moments, all that we could think about are 'plans' of vacations and relaxation for the Holy week. Are we all becoming apathetic Christians?

I for one is guilty of this. I remember then that holy week means observance of fasting, penitence, and indulgence. We never fail to observe 'Bisita Iglesia' and participate in the 'Way of the cross'. However, I still feel something is not quite right about it. We never really got the chance to really pray solemnly even for a minute because there are too many people lining up, vendors shouting, and kids squealing in the background. And just when you felt 'reconnected' with God, you'll start swearing because of other people parking inconsiderately.

So for the last two years, I have abstained from observing such practices. I join my friends in going 'somewhere' and reflect. I guess this is the essence of Holy week's observance, reflection...and acceptance and finally, resolution in changing undesirable things in our lives.

I guess it doesn't matter how we spend the holy week as long as we know it's real meaning...that above all things, we should find ways of communicating with God through opening ourselves to him.

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