Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Why too soon, my beloved?

all of us, at some point in our lives, will be facing crossroads....and i think you're in one right now. others fear such predicament that you're having now but for me, i think it is a wonderful adventure...i mean, how often can one indulge in an adventure as tremendous and exciting as this? and how often can one be presented with such opportunity? you are so blessed that you have each other and the kids...that all of you are gonna be part of this journey...and adventure is called an 'adventure' because of the fact that it is a dare to fate and only those who are brave enough can say that they've not failed at all because they have hurdled the greatest risk: the undertaking per se.

i shall be missing you..i know it's kinda feel weird going to Pasay and not seeing you, hearing your laughter, the gimiks, the chats, everything...I kinda wish that you'll change your minds and decide to stay but it's quite selfish of me to think so...I love you all and I want you to have a life that you so deserve...

when i heard of the news, i felt my heart constrict...then my eyes became watery...i don't know what prompted such reaction: the sadness or excitement. now, after it's already sinking in, i know it's both...

as you already know, I'm also facing a crossroad...I've already chosen a's hard but I'm rather enjoying the journey. whenever i doubt my decision, i always try to imagine what lies ahead at the end of it then i tell myself, 'this is what i wanted.' Over time, I have taught myself not to think much of the future obstacles. I am painstakingly teaching myself to live my life as it comes, every sunrise and sunset...I hope you'll also think the same way when you are facing difficulties there.

and because I love you, I'll say a little prayer for you..always...I shall be thinking of you with fondest memories...Take care! I love you all and I'll still be seeing you soon...hopefully in New York?! mwah

This is a letter to my beloved cousins (Dey and Ate Vess) and my favorite niece & nephew (Achie Louise & Wenjo). They'll be leaving for U. States probably for good two weeks from now...and I don't know when will I be seeing them again.


  1. I'm sure you will see them again. New York is not that far; hehehehe. Bitaw Rain there's always a way. They are bless to have you as their cousin and aunt. Take care

  2. agring: thanks, I'll make it a point to see them again...soon! haha
