Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Feeling so and out of the blue

I don’t want to be melodramatic and all but lately, it’s all that I’m feeling…for no specific reasons, I find myself staring at nothing, suffering disturbed sleeps, erratic heartbeats, and an enveloping sadness. Every morning, I had to drag myself from my bed just so I won’t be late at work. At the office, I am always lost in my deep thinking and musings. I feel so old. Even blogging doesn’t pose as an attractive diversion to me now. So weird! However, there are also instances that I feel like my old self…laughing boisterously, indulging into friendly bickering with my colleagues and cracking jokes with them. But even these moments are fleeting.

Maybe I need a break…a vacation…somewhere…anywhere.

Anyways, they say this ‘illness’ is highly contagious…don’t let me draw you into my angsts…(which bdw is originally a german word that literally means 'agony'...from the movie, Don't give up on us) hahaha


  1. This won't surprise you, I know, but I can relate. :-)

    Keep your chin up dearie. :-)

  2. I'm feeling alright now, dearie....I'm feeling pink now!hahaha

  3. depressing blog entry. you actually like piolo?

  4. hahaha i do like him...even though he's gay...he's supeeer gwapo eh! and he kinda looks like my crush...a Latin actor named Gael Garcia Bernal!

  5. Hint to youknowho: Pretend you're gay and be her best bud, till the bf gets ditched. just don't ask me to watch brokeback mountain with you dude.

  6. tk: who's asking you to watch brokeback mountain? haha

  7. Piolo. I politely said "NOOOOOOOO!"
