Thursday, May 25, 2006

Work of art

Here are sample photos of my recent visit to the Paradise Resort, in Samal Island. I just wondered how it would like if it had been painted by famous classical artists in those good ole days...Take a look...

fresco painting

brush-angled painting

I might blow these pictures up and hang them on my dream house...So Hollywoodish, and I'm so vain! :-)


  1. "you're so vain, you probably think this song is about you...Don't you? don't you?"

    So what if you're vain? Just don't forget to invite us to your house in the hamptons someday.

  2. tk: hahaha sure, who knows?! I might hit it big:-)

  3. Sa susunod, nakaharap naman. :-)

  4. ey sori ha, wala na akong ibubuga pag naka-harap eh!haha
