Thursday, May 04, 2006

My personal war...

Last weekend, since it was a long weekend, I did what I usually do on such occasions....indulge in a dvd marathon! The theme for the day was: inspiring war stories...

Innocent Voices

Joyeux Noel

And so I watched American Soldiers, Joyeoux Noel, and Innocent Voices (Voces Inocentes). Among the three, what really left a sting in my heart and mind was the latter. It's about surviving against all odds: poverty, war, and inner conflicts. After watching this film, I wetted my pillow...I told God, "Lord, thank you for being so good to me, to my family, and my country...let us not be astray from thy sight."

War in all its dynamics make humanity weary and irresolute at the end...because after all, what you see is rubbles, blood, and darkness. It makes you ask, "Why should there be war?".

I highly recommend the three movies that I mentioned, especially the Innocent Voices. For some of us, we easily take for granted the things that happen to be what our brethen from other war-srticken countries consider as privilege and treasure.


  1. Buon Giorno, Principessa Rain!

    My favorite is "Life is Beautiful." I'm not sure if it can pass for a real war flick though.

  2. bonjour! yeah, that was the first foreign film that I really liked...somehow it opened the 'doors' for me for foreign art and independent films...well, it's a war flick on a different perspective. :-)

  3. I haven't seen the 3 movies. Thanks for sharing . I will difinitely hit the video store. Both my hubby and I love foreign movies bisag basahon.

  4. war movies give me the creeps always with thoughts of horrid aftermaths...

    may God spare us and our country the horrible possibilities.

  5. agring: hi, i think you'll both like them (not the violence, of course) but the emotions that would be invoked from you..:-)

    bingskee: hi bing, you're right...war is ugly and it rips us from our dignity and innocence.
