Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Nothing left of past Christmas' spirit

September passed by unnoticed. No September chills. No christmas songs on radio. No little boys and girls carolling on our block, or anybody's block either. No lanterns hung and lit yet. No joyful greetings exchanges. It's November. 40 days to go before Christmas Day...still I don't hear my favorite Christmas songs being played on air, at least not as oftern as the past Christmases. People I know when asked about what have they planned for Christmas, their faces went blank...then a frown appears. Christmas? What about it?

The usual countdown to Christmas day is still there, at least. However, aside from that, nothing's left of the past Christmases' traces of jubilee and glow. When reminded how close it is, people have get more stressed out. Stressed over the 'have to buy' gifts, new set of wardrobes to wear on 'noche buena', food to prepare, greeting cards to be filled out and mailed, and etc.

Just lately, I woke up with all these realizations. How come I don't feel the spirit of Christmas this late of time? How come people are just going about their own businesses as if they don't know that it's almost Christmas day already ? How come I don't feel everything that I was feeling in the past at this very time of year? this very moment? How come?

It's November. 40 days to before Christmas. Politics, failing economy, crimes, corruption, apathy, indifference...these are what filling the tv, radio, and newspapers. It seems that Christmas is like a very far, far's there but barely. Maybe because people have stopped caring. Are they? Maybe they just can't remember how Christmas is suppose to be...have they really forgotten how and what's it's like?

Today, I woke up resigned. I'll try to find Christmas' spirit in every little thing that I see. If I see a single lantern, I'll think of those three brave men, being guided by a lone star in fulfilling their mission. If I see a Christmas tree, I'll remember the fun and laughter that used to fill our house everytime we're decorating one. Then I'll think of that special someone...I'll think of Jesus.

There, I'm starting to feel it. Can you feel it too?