Saturday, August 13, 2005


What's in a book?

Tagging along... My 2nd assignment courtesy of Ronald:-)

What's in a book?

Basically, anything that you want it to be...

Number of books on the shelves:

A hundred? Kasali na mga encyclopedia dun ha...(I stress, I'm not that geek!) haha

Those that I own or bought:

Less than 50 I guess. I really don't buy that much because they never lasted, hinihiram and d na nababalik. :-( And besides, uso na ngayon ang e-book...

Last few books that I bought:

The Love Story by Erich Segal (Which i bought at Php 20.00 hehe)
Just Wait till you have children on your own by Erma Bombeck and Bil Keane
Queens of the Pharoahs by Leonard Cottrell
(Oh, by the way, I buy pocketbooks...they help me sleep and I buy cheap ones lang naman)

Books that I'm reading now:

Bitter Winds by Harry Wu and Carolyn Wakeman
(Thanks to blogging I rarely find time to read sinisi pa ang blogging!hehe Is there such thing as "reader's block" also? Coz if there is, I think I'm into one now...haha)

Last few books read:

The Science of Getting Rich by Wallace Wattles (Edited & Revised by Ismael D. Tabije)
Jonathan Livingston Seagull by Richard Bach
I Kissed Dating Goodbye (Forgot the name of the author, can't locate my book na hahaha)
Queens of the Pharoahs by Leonard Cottrell

Hmmm, who do I tag now? Will I die if I don't pass this on? hahaha cge na nga, I Now tag Kring, Ning, and Nao. Hindi ba masyadong obvious na kayo palang kakilala ko?haha

1 comment:

  1. Hi!

    This is Ismael D. Tabije, the Publisher-Editor of the Revised version of the "Science of Getting Rich" you mentioned in your blog.

    Great to hear that you are reading my book. I'm Pinoy, too, just in case you're interested to know (from Davao-kahibalo pod mag binisaya!)


    PS. I'm inviting you to visit my websites: and
