Saturday, August 13, 2005

777 things about me...

My first assignment... Thanks Nao!

Seven things that scare you:

1. cockroaches
2. ghosts
3. war
4. losing a loved one
5. take offs and landings
6. DOM (unless they look like Richard Gere!)hahaha
7. dying in an unnatural death

Seven things you like the most:
1. movies
2. sleeping
3. travelling
4. clothes
5. food
6. videoke
7. cell phones

Seven important things in your bedroom:
1. blanket
2. vanity kit
3. book
4. life-size mirror
5. phone with charger (hehe)
6. my special slippers
7. clock

Seven random facts about you:
1. blushes easily
2. moody
3. narcissistic
4. 'cultured' biyatch (hahaha)
5. unpredictable
6. romantic to the bones :-)
7. used to be a soccer player

Seven things you plan to do before you die:
1. tour Europe
2. write a bookseller novel (haha)
3. own a business
4. learn to sew my own clothes and design them as well
5. have an eye laser surgery
6. get rich
7. learn French, Spanish, and Chinese (Folkien or Mandarin)

Seven things you can do:
1. handcrafting (beadworks, etc..)
2. can be brutally honest
3. witchcraft (how i wish)
4. make men fall deeply for me (romantically or platonically)haha
5. play soccer
6. eat what i want without getting fat
7. cook decent meals

Seven things you can't do:
1. play the piano
2. sing like a pro
3. use contact lenses for a long period of time
4. lie consistenly about something
5. flirt openly
6. be a plain housewife (unless my major chore would be shopping!hehe)
7. travel lightly

Seven things that attract you to the opposite sex:
1. brains, brains, brains
2. rugged type (athletic ba)
3. has at least one hobby that i find interesting
4. family-oriented

5. God-fearing
6. has the ability to make me laugh
7. generous & rich

Seven things you say the most:
1. shox! [pag nagkamali]
2. oh,no!
3. asus!
4. hello??!
5. i am beautiful hahaha
6. duh!
7. Oh my God!

Seven celeb crushes (whether local or foreign):
1. Brad Pitt (ilang nights ako d nakatulog after watching Troy) hahaha
2. Julia Roberts ( I like the way she laughs, so infectious)
3. Eric Bana (Love me, Hector!)
4. Prince William
5. GAEL GARCIA BERNAL (muy simpatico)
6. Jim Caviezel (take me to Monte Cristo!)
7. Meg Ryan (they say I look like her..hehe)

Seven people you want to see to take this quiz: (syensya na, wala ako ibang maisip eh!)

1. Ronald
2. Kring
3. Ning
4. Ronald
5. Kring
6. Ning
7. Ronald