Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Easy as a breeze...

As I've predicted, Christmas passed by as easy as a breeze...fleeting...almost elusive. Two days after Christmas and I still feel mystic about it...or should mystic be the word? The whole day before Christmas, it was cold and raining by and by. I liked the weather...kinda remind me of past Christmases...cold breeze, people rushing to buy gifts, bustling and noisy kitchens...while I just stay in my bed, all covered by my favorite blanket and a good book.

Then Noche buena came, traditionally we all went to hear the mass. It was still raining and cold. After the mass, we went home and started to eat. It was almost 12 midnight. If there was any indication that Christmas was almost there, it was only the clock. No merry-making, no clanging of noisy stuffs, no fireworks, not even a countdown. It was just like a train. People knew when it's exactly coming and rush to and fro to get on board...just to arrive where they're destined to be, because it's how it is and has always been. Just like a train, Christmas was becoming an ordinary occurrence.

Of course there would be people who keep on denying this fact. They are the ones who do everything to make a good imitation of 'what' Christmas should be. But I can't blame them...afterall, Christmas should be celebrated in any manner that you deem. Or maybe I'm just being too sarcastic about the whole thing...for me, Christmas should be about simplicity and reflection...anything more than that is just too much.

However, I am one of those in denial. My Christmases had always been simple and quiet...but not as easy as this time...as easy as a breeze...I hardly felt it touched the entirety of my soul.


  1. hello... :D

    THX 4 visiting my blog... :D


  2. Christmas for grown ups does not necessarily come on the 25th of December. What's more, it doesn't come once a year. Trust me.

  3. zilko: my pleasure! your blog is really great...

    tk: unfortunately...so, we really chose the theme 'children's party' for us to remember how it was when we were just kids, just enjoying some party...would you believe we really hired an icecream cart just to complete the mood? hahahaha and of course, we enjoyed lining up in getting our icecream. hay, those were the days!

  4. There's no wrong or right way to celebrate Christmas...we just follow our hearts and celebrate it the way we find the most appropriate within our means. And TK is right. The Christmas spirit doesn't just come on the 25th of December.

    Me, I spent it probably even quieter than you did. It hasn't been our tradition to have noche buena or to go to church before midnight. We usually eat together at Christmas noon, and we go to mass either earlier, or on Christmas day itself.

    I guess its not how you celebrate it. Its how you observe it. Hope I made sense. :-) Merry Christmas dearie...:-D
