Thursday, June 22, 2006

Tried to sleep without angst

Why is it that simple words could cut deep in one's soul? Why is it too hard to forget harsh words spoken even though you try hard convinving yourself that they were uttered insincerely and unintentionally?

Why is it hard to forget bitter memories? Is it some kind of a curse that once it's let out, it could never be reversed? Or if it can be, how? They say be careful of the words that you utter for it can never be taken may say sorry and retract but you could never take away the hurt that it has inflicted because it's already out there.

I'm so scarred...and though I try to mend it painstakingly, it always find its way to resurface and it hurts more and more. For a time, I'll pretend that it's not there, but deep inside, I can feel its presence, just waiting to strike taunt and haunt again...

How do I get rid of this? Would fleeing do? Would distance and indifference help?


  1. The truth is, you're never truly free of such memories.

    The only thing you can do, is pick yourself up, and move on, with the thought that those memories make you stronger, and truly the person you are today.

    While they stay with you for life, it doesn't really mean that you can't overwhelm them with good memories, does n't it? :-)

  2. dearie, yeah I'll take it from u...thanks! let's try to live a good life, eh?! :-)
