Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Tell Me, Am I your friend?

This came through the email...being 'just' a friend is easy but being a 'true' friend is not. Not all those who shows you kindness is a friend...not all who befriends you really are with genuine motives...but still, in order to have real friends, we should make ourselves a good one.

"Friends are like order to appreciate their real beauty and worth is through testing them in adverse conditions..."


  1. I'm honored to be one of yours. :-)

  2. and so am I, dearie! thanks for letting me be one of yours...:-)

  3. reminds me of a quote that goes like, "true friends are like diamonds, real and rare; false friends are like leaves scattered everywhere". it is not really easy to find a true friend.

  4. bing: very well said, indeed! :-)
