Thursday, November 24, 2005

Here it comes again....

An assignment from Darlene, sorry it took a while for me to post it...

SECTION 1 - Have you ever...*
  1. Cheated on someone?: Romantically? Nope...
  2. Been cheated on?: My current bf now is my first, and he's not the cheating type
  3. Fallen off the bed?: when asleep? yes, when I was younger
  4. Broken someone's heart?: I'm not sure, maybe....
  5. Had your heart broken?: Mostly by my friends
  6. Had a dream come true? Yup, and counting...
  7. Done something you regret?: I guess everybody does, coz everybody hurts...sometimes! :-)
  8. Cheated on a test?: Never, I have so much self-respect for that
SECTION 2 - Currently...*
  1. Wearing?: office clothes
  2. Like anyone?: crushes? local or international? haha
  3. Location?: office
  4. Chatting with?: No one, it's quite early still
  5. Watching?: Nothing
  6. Should REALLY be doing? Head back home, sleep, and finish the koreanovela dvds
  7. Brushed your teeth?: done already
  8. Have any piercings?: yup, both ears
  9. Drive?: I can but don't have a license yet.
  10. Drink?: used to drink ever night with officemates but now, only occassionally
  11. Smoke?: Tried but never liked it
  12. Got a cell?: Yes, one for globe and one for my suncellular sim
SECTION 3 - The last person you... *
  1. Hugged?: my bf, i like hugging him, he's my votamins!
  2. Kissed?: my bf again...gosh!
  3. IMed?: my college friend, JL
  4. Talked on the phone to?: my brother, asking him to look for my shades!haha
  5. Yelled at?: My brother again, I hate it when he uses the bathroom and doesn't put out the light after using it...
SECTION 4 - Personal *
  1. What do you want to be or do, when you finish school? Ans: I wanted to get a job, basically and start my own business . For sure, I never dreamed of becoming a Nurse, no offense meant, but I just think that I couldn't do what they're's a tough job!
  2. What has been the best day of your life? Ans: I'm mostly happiest when I get to travel to other places. I feel euphoric about it. The day I'd go to Europe would probably the ultimate, aside from getting married and having kids...hehe
  3. What comes first in your life? Ans: My family and loved ones! But with my desire to give them the best of life, career is also a priority. It's kinda means to an end.
  4. Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend/crush? Ans: I'm currently committed to someone that I've known since I was only 10 years old but never actually met him until college.
  5. What are you most scared of? Ans: losing a loved one, being cheated on, insects
  6. What do you usually think about before you go to bed? Ans: I look back from the moment I woke up that morning and throughout the events of the day...then I think of the things that I did. Then if I did something wrong, I ask God's forgiveness. Then I pray for my family. I think of my dreams. I think of so many things...the very reason why I'm ever grateful to God.
  7. Did you lose someone you really loved? Ans: Yes, my grandpapa
  8. Love your family? Ans: They're my life...and the reason why I have dreams...
  9. Are you a virgin? Ans: Your answer is as good as mine. :-)
SECTION 5 - Favorite *
  1. Movie: My Best friend's wedding, Pretty woman, Troy, Indie-films (I shoud give up, they're too many to mention! haha)
  2. Song: Moon River
  3. Store: Nothing in particular as long as it has all that I need
  4. Clothing Store: I'm not branc conscious but I do have favorites!hehe
  5. Relative: cousins in Pasay (they're the best)
  6. Sport: badminton, soccer, & swimming
  7. Ice Cream Flavor: Coffee crumble, anything that has choco in it
  8. Fruit: Green mangoes, grapes, watermelon
  9. Candy: crybabies!haha
  10. Day of the Week: Friday!haha
  11. Color: Red, pink, purple, fucshia
SECTION 6 - do you... *
  1. Like to give hugs?: Yes, but I'm the choosy type...
  2. Like to walk in the rain?: Yeah, absolutely. Rain is so symbolic for me. It seems to wash away all my worries and's nice also to have someone to hold unto while walking in the rain. hmmmm Not only do I walk but I sing in the rain as well! Precisely why the rain is continuously pouring! LOL! I even take a bath in the rain!
  3. Prefer black or blue pens?: Black
  4. Like to travel?: Hmmm, as much as I can!
  5. Sleep on your side?: Actually, on my right side...
  6. Have a goldfish?: Nope, never had a pet fish...but I love fishes, I bought an arowana as a gift to my bf
  7. Ever have the falling dream?: Always, I don't know what it means though.
  8. Have stuffed animals?: None, I never was fond of them!
SECTION 7 - this or that *
  1. Pierced nose or tongue?: eeeyks!
  2. Single or taken?: Happily Taken...
  3. MTV or BET?: MTV
  4. 7th Heaven or Dawson's Creek?: Can't I choose both? Urrgh
  5. Sugar or salt?: Salt
  6. Silver or gold?: White gold
  7. Chocolate or flowers?: Definitely chocolates!
  8. Color or Black-and-white photos?: add sepia on the list...
  9. M&Ms or Skittles?: M&Ms, melts in your mouth not in your hands!
  10. Stay up late or sleep in? Sleep in but this rarely happens
  11. Hot or cold?: Hot, I have a very low tolerance level with cold...but I like cold drinks
  12. Mustard or ketchup?: Mustard
  13. Spring or Fall?: Spring, when life is all anew
  14. Happy or sad?: happy...
  15. Wonder or amazement?: I try to always keep myself amazed with things
  16. Mexican or Italian?: Italian...
  17. Candy or Soda?: Water, just plain water


  1. Hi rain! Thanks for taking time to reply to the tag!

    Im so curious, why you like "Moon River"... It's one of my mom's fave song din kse!

  2. hi darl, I like the melody...the lyrics...and it's very melancholic...and I'm a dreamer! that's why...hehe I've been frantically looking for its spanish lyrics, i have the MP3 of its spanish version, "El Rio Luna"...very enchanting!hehe
