Monday, October 03, 2005

Oh, baby I was Blogstruck!

When I visited a friend’s blog in this space called ‘blogosphere’, I was so ‘blogstruck’ ! What caught my attention initially, were the posts….they were written in a free-style and abandoned manner that made someone reading it feels so at home, gives you the feeling that one could easily relate to and identify with because of similar experiences of the people writing them. After reading the posts, I was fascinated with the add-ons, sideblogs, etc… especially the Tag boards and the Flikr badges.

This started me with getting my own blog. I was so excited and all…I remember the overwhelming feeling when I was writing my first post…it was trivial and so novice. Hehe Then, a friend of mine commented that I’m getting a lot attention basing from the number of hits that registered in my hit counter. I was ecstatic. It motivated me in cultivating my blog, accessorizing it and advertising it to my friends! Hahaha

After a while, I got so claustrophobic with hibernating just within my ‘house’ and decided to venture within my neighborhood and beyond. When I did, I can’t help but compare my blog with those of others’. They’ve got very impressive and attractive blogs. Again, for the second time, I was ‘blogstruck’.

I guess it is only but a natural instinct to compare one’s self, or for this matter, one’s own blog, with others’. I found a lot of things that have made me green with envy. Here are some of them:

  1. Blog’s design/template (Most of the blogs I’ve visited have such beautiful designs…How I wish I’m that good in manipulating my own!)

  2. Interesting add-ons (I am really fascinated with those animated icons and background music embedded in their page)

  3. Overflowing comments (Now, this could only mean two things: that they’ve been blogging for quite sometime already, or their posts/blog are really read-worthy.)

  4. Loyal co-bloggers (A bond created among bloggers which foster respect and loyalty to those you meet in the blogosphere)

Anyways, whenever I feel envious about others’ blogs, I ask myself: “Why do I need other people’s note of appreciation? Isn't the satisfaction of being able to express one’s self is more than enough already?” Everytime I do this, I feel ok na..hehehe

So for those who share the same sentiments, re-evaluate the reasons why you’re here in this blogosphere…if you’re merely here for the ‘fame’ and resorting to all means (scandalous activities) just to achieve it, then you’re at lost.

We’re here to enjoy, socialize, share our talents and views on things hoping that by doing so, we could make this world a better place, and this ‘space’ (blogosphere) a nice place to be.


  1. It doesn't matter how our blogs look like. I believe that is only secondary. What matters most are the contents and essence of your posts.

    Keep blogging girl and don't let those fancy designed blogs affect you.

  2. thanks, ga...hehehehe pero nice jud imong blog uy...hawod naman kaayo lagi ka mag-ilis ug mga designs? pwede ko mag-copy ug mga sideblogs nimo? katong imong guest map something?
