Thursday, October 13, 2005

My favorite vacation spots

Let's admit it. Most of us are caught in the wild game of life called 'rat race'. Well, if you're in doubt, ask yourself these questions: When did I last had a real out of town vacation? What was the last movie that I watched? Who are the inmates of Pinoy Big Brother? When did the last time that I've had a full-body massage?

If you can't answer those questions or you're counting months and years for your last vacation and etc, well, welcome to the club!

We seldom get to fulfill a a vacation because the issue of finances gets in the way. We haven't even stepped out from our house yet, we have already thought of million reasons why it is not just feasible or practical to indulge ourselves for the much needed trip to the spa or an escape to the white sands and bluegreenish waters.

However, I believe that all it takes is the power of mindsetting and a little imagination to be able to have a little R & R. You can even go there anytime... it could be everywhere, your call.

The picture above was taken in Capri Island, Greece. Yeah, it's in Europe and all but we have lots of that in our country. As our tourism advertises, "If you don't like this island. never mind, there are over 7,000 more to choose from.." Well, you'll just have to know what you like best. Me? I love the beach, sun, and white sands...

When I feel melodramatic and nostlagic, nothing beats walking in an isolated place... This picture was taken in Netherlands. When I saw this picture in the net, I fell in love with it. I constantly surf the net searching for spots that I could add to my 'vacation' album. Doesn' t this remind you of those summer vacations in your grandparents ' provinces?

Recently, I have posted here about being in a 'specialplace' where I'd love to be after a gruelling day at work. I love being in a cafe. It kinda allow me to be quiet when I want to and doing things that doesn't need a lot of effort like reading a mag, book, or observing other people, looking at their faces and expressions, their clothings, etc. It helps you understand diversity more. Allows you to reunite and reconnect with your forgotten self and somehow brings back your spent energy. I guess this is the reason why cafes and bars are never out of customers anytime of the day, especially after office hours. Being alone is the best reward that you can give to yourself. Maybe I'm just autistic and many people may not have the same reasons for going to such places but still somehow it has the same effect on them.

This is my idea of a perfect vacation. I take a vacation everyday. As I've said earlier, all it takes is a little imagination...until such time that you could actually get one. Hmm, nice huh?

So, tell me where are your perfect get-away spots? Maybe I'll see you there. Have a nice day everyone!


  1. Like you, I also cant remember when was the last time i did all the activities you mentioned above. We're all so engrossed in our day to day life -be it personal or professional. Sometimes, by choice, we end up being stuck in the midst of the rat race.

    I've been to Davao but never been to Pearl Farm (im really dying to spend sometime there!). I only enjoyed the city; Been to Greece but not never been to Capri Island but only in Athens and Piraeus. sigh... I wish...

  2. how, i'm turning green with envy! u've been to greece, where else in europe pa? europe is no. 1 on my list!
