Wednesday, September 21, 2005

The Sound of wedding bells ringing distantly

At my age, 24, I am being bombarded already of questions like, “When are you getting married?”, “Hey, when is the wedding date?”, “Aren’t you getting married yet?”, and “What are your wedding plans?” Questions that are actually conveying a distinct message: You are not getting any younger.

On the other hand, I constantly receive advises such as, “Take your time. It will just happen when things have fallen into their proper places”, or “Don’t hurry. Enjoy your youth”, and “If in doubt, don’t!” Statements that are actually conveying distinct messages: Don’t get married. Marriage is merely an illusion!

On my part, I continually ‘assess’ myself. Of course, it has got nothing to do with my boyfriend. He’s been hinting incessantly, and blatantly lately, of his plans of wanting to get married. And I told him at one instance, “Ask me when you think I’m going to say ‘YES’” Because right now, I am definitely not ready emotionally. I mean, I want to be married to him but I have so many fears of marriage per se! And the horror stories of the people that I know make it worst!

Well, but I also know people who have got admirable marriages. They’re quite inspiring. But I can still hear the ‘buts’ buzzing in my head…Gosh, they’re restless…

But someday I’ve got to face my fears to know glory! Hehe And when that happens, maybe I’ll make a post of it here… The proposal, engagement, and my wedding. Hehehehe

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