Friday, August 05, 2005

What is the ultimate question?

I first heard about this ‘intellectually-hilarious film” from my college friend, Jae-elle, she was raving about this particular flick. As always, I succumbed to my curiosity. Indeed, it has its own charm. If you ever you find yourself at lost having a quarter-life, mid-life, full-life, post-life crisis (hahaha), then I recommend that you check this movie out…so that all your inferior questions in life would be superseded by the ULTIMATE QUESTION…

The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a science fiction comedy series written by Douglas Adams. It originated in 1978 as a radio comedy broadcast on BBC Radio 4. A Hollywood film version was released in April 2005, and adaptations of the last three books to radio were broadcast from 2004 to 2005.

In The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, the characters visit the legendary planet Magrathea, home of the now-collapsed planet building industry, and meet Slartibartfast, a planetary architect who was responsible for the fjords of Norway. He relates the story of a race of hyper-intelligent pan-dimensional beings who built a computer named Deep Thought to calculate the answer to the Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe, and Everything. When the answer was revealed as 42, they were forced to build a more powerful computer to work out what the Ultimate Question actually was, but their plans never come to fruition. [Later on, referencing this, Adams would create a puzzle which could be approached in multiple ways, all yielding the answer 42.]


  1. to each his own...i haven't read the book either...might probably read its e-book version

  2. that was me,rain..thanks for visiting

  3. Hmmm...I'm having a mid-life crisis myself. I think I ought to check it out. :-)

  4. ronald, get over it...hahaha

  5. hey rain! remind me to give you the ebooks of the hitchhiker's guide series. i love the dolphins!!! the next books after the hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy is funnier. in fact, some scenes in the movie were taken from the next book entitled, The Restaurant at the End of the Universe.

  6. thanks, tech...let's meet soon...mwah
