Monday, August 08, 2005

The Recruiter

Almost a year ago, I received a message in my Friendster account and it says "Hi, raineljoy. You don't know me but I was browsing Philhealth's friendster account and found you there and decided to add you to my friends' list. IF you guys have any questions about COre, you may look me up at the PMO..." So, one of those very ordinary days, I was calling PMO for details re: COre workshop and looked for this was an uneventful conversation (bdw, he didn't know the answer to my question...) lol However, that encounter was not meant to be our 'last encounter' because recently, the PMO conducted a consultation meeting here in Davao. As I was part of the Secretariat, I got the chance of meeting & working with's the funny part, as we were being introduced, I interjected, "oh, yeah we know each other already..." then I noticed his quizzical look and added "…in friendster"...and saw a splash of relief on his face (relief from what, I couldn't possibly know). Or maybe, he was kinda thinking, "Who is this presumptuous girl?" hahaha But then, we became semi-friendly friends after that and he was promoting his blog and I promised to do so. I must say, his was an interesting blog.

Anyways, this man is the very reason why I am here now, blogging…and I am indeed having a great time. Thanks Ronald…(bdw, I’ve got a full-page of questions waiting for you in your email..hehehe)


  1. Hahaha. You actually remember the message I sent way back then? I don't even remember it myself. :-)

    Relief? I guess you can say that. You never know, I may have an evil twin meeting beautiful women all around the country. Hahaha...:-)

    I like the term: "semi-friendly friends." I'm not sure what it means though. :-)

    Keep it up. As you've no doubt discovered, a couple of my fellow bloggers have discovered your blog already. :-)

  2. as uve said, im weird...i remember minute details...don't have to be significant details though, it's like a hit in this blog brain runs random hits in my memory bank..hahha

  3. Minute details say you? You must have an eidetic memory. Me, I just have a pornographic one. :-)

  4. E! to start showing movies
    E! Entertainment Television has bought a package of movies from Sony Pictures and will start showing them on August 22.
    You have a great blog here! I'm definitely going to bookmark you!
    I have a Weddings site/blog. It pretty much covers Weddings related stuff.
    Come and check it out if you get time :-)

  5. hi naomi, mao ba? kabalo diay ka magbisaya? maayo, pwede nata manglibak diri sa ilaha!hahaha
